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Update re:Janu Gems wholesale sale at Crest Jewel now through April 28
April 25, 2024


Just 4 more days
(Ending Sunday)

The Janu Gems Wholesale Gem and Mineral Sale will continue through April 28th

Theodore Pizanis and his son Ritvick are returning tonight from their buying tour in India. Though their gems will be arriving at a later date Ritvick will be happy to answer your questions about lab created diamonds.

The shop is full. I'm discovering things every day. Finding more beads and putting up more tables wherever I can squish them in. Trays of kyanite, amethyst, coral etc.

Virtual shopping is possible for out-of-towners.
Call with requests and questions.

Crest Jewel
48 North Main Street (On the Square)
Fairfield, IA 52556
(641) 472-8205

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